by Jo Starling | Jan 5, 2021
A BLAST FROM THE PAST …from the archives. Salmon Chanted Evening “I must admit to having a bit of a love/hate relationship with the mighty Pacific salmon tribe (chinook, coho, chum, pink and sockeye).” Out in the open ocean or in the Great Lakes, they’re bright...
by Steve Starling | Oct 26, 2020
A BLAST FROM THE PAST …from the archives. “I’ll never forget that explosive surface strike, nor the long, powerful runs that followed!” I pulled this halfway decent yellowtail kingfish on a popper and double-handed baitcaster gear from a spot known locally...
by Jo Starling | Oct 26, 2020
A BLAST FROM THE PAST …from the archives. “As the fat, rising moon cleared the treetops, a sound reminiscent of a heavy calibre naval gunnery bombardment began to resonate across the calm water.” This is my best-ever impoundment barra, from the heady heydays at...